How to Clean Out Your House to Sell and Increase its Value by 3%-5%

If you took the time to count every item in the average American household at the rate of one item per second, you would be counting continuously for nearly three and a half days. And if you’re reading this article about how to clean out a house to sell, the home you are looking to declutter may have more than 300,000 items.

Whether you’re selling the home you’ve been in for decades, or are facing an unexpected sale due to the death of a loved one, settling assets in a divorce, or getting out from underneath a mound of debt, the task of decluttering prior to a sale may feel daunting. But it doesn’t have to be, and it’s well worth the effort.

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Welcome to the ultimate guide for cleaning out your house before you list it for sale. We’ll break down the process into simple, tried-and-true steps. You’ll receive tips from decluttering and staging experts Joy Metten, owner of The Joy Of Staging, and Stephanie Nash, a real estate veteran who sells homes nearly 50% quicker than the average agent in her area.

How much value does cleaning and decluttering add to a home?

In one HomeLight survey of more than 1,000 top real estate agents nationwide, agents agreed that deep cleaning and decluttering can add value to your home sale price. Nationally, agents estimated that a deep cleaning could add $3,731 to the sale of a home, and decluttering could add $6,523 for a combined value boost of $10,254, or about 3% of a median-priced $350,000 home.

In another HomeLight survey, agents said including professional staging and a fresh coat of paint could add nearly $25,000 to the resale value of a house.

“Staging, new paint, and decluttering offer more than an increase in price,” said survey participant Stacy Stanley, a top northern California agent with more than 21 years of experience. “It determines how desirable the home is to the market, how many offers it gets, and how fast it sells.”

But even without paying a stager or painter, some agents doubled the first survey’s value-boost estimates for cleaning and decluttering.

“Put yourself in the buyer’s shoes,” suggests Ashley Lazarian, a top Atlanta agent with 20 years of experience. “Doing a deep clean and putting away the clutter can easily get you an additional $20,000 and less time on the market.”

According to the original survey, the value boost for cleaning and decluttering can vary significantly between different regions of the country.

  • Pacific region: $16, 824 (decluttering $11,438, deep cleaning $5,386)
  • Midwest region: $7,428 (decluttering $4,282, deep cleaning $3,146 )

Past estimates by Consumer Reports set the potential average return on investment (ROI) as 3% to 5%.

Ground zero: getting started when you don’t know where to start

For the first Apollo missions that used the Saturn V rockets, it took about 55% of the total fuel for the entire mission to travel the first 0.03% of the journey. The remaining 45% of the fuel propelled the spacecraft over 230,000 miles (over 99% of the total distance) to safely land on the moon.

Literally, getting started was more than half the battle.

When you’re approaching a house full of stuff, the prospect of getting it to a clean, list-ready state may seem as unapproachable as reaching the moon. Before you embark on your decluttering journey, follow this prelaunch checklist:

1. Get clear on your timeframe

The first forward step is to identify the timeframe that you have to sell the home in order to work backward and set appropriate, manageable goals to tackle the work.

According to data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the average home is listed on the market for about 30 days before going under contract, with ICE Mortgage Technology reporting an average of 44 days for a buyer to close on a home purchase loan. Using this data for an example timeframe, if your goal is to sell the home in 90 days, you may only have two or three weeks to prepare your home for sale to meet this deadline.

2. Break the work into small, attainable chunks

Instead of approaching the task as a single, huge project to declutter the entire house, approach it as dozens of smaller, attainable tasks. Metten suggests, “If you’re feeling overwhelmed, focus on one room at a time, or even one space at a time. For example, in the master bathroom, start with just the walk-in closet and focus on that. Take it a small chunk at a time, instead of walking around the whole house and thinking it’s never going to get done.”

For example, a three-bedroom, two-bathroom house could be broken down into 20 bite-sized chunks:

  • 3 bedroom closets
  • 3 bedrooms
  • 2 bathrooms
  • 1 linen closet
  • 1 kitchen (pantry and drawers)
  • 1 kitchen (cupboards and surfaces)
  • 1 dining room
  • 1 entry/coat closet
  • 1 living room
  • 1 family room
  • 1 laundry area
  • 1 utility closet
  • 1 under-the-stairs storage closet
  • 1 garage (storage areas)
  • 1 garage (main area)

3. Write out a checklist that you can cross off

Now that you know your timeframe and you’ve broken the task into bite-sized chunks, you can create a time-bound checklist to guide you and keep you on track. For example, if you have 20 days to declutter the three-bedroom, two-bathroom house in the example above, you can write out each of the 20 areas next to each day and accomplish one a day.

Multiple studies show that the act of writing out and checking off goals can significantly increase productivity. Additionally, regularly and consistently checking off short-term goals has been shown to release dopamine, which increases the desire to keep going to check off more items on the list.

4. Manage your expectations: the home should be presentable, not perfect

Now that you’ve got a checklist and you’re ready to get to work, pause and take a quick breath. At this stage, too many eager sellers dive in with the hopes of getting the house to a like-new state. According to Nash, the goal is to “make the home presentable, first for photos, and then for showings.”

Similarly, Metten stresses that “buyers want to see a home that is comfortable and lived in, as opposed to being too empty or sterile.” Ultimately, this is good news that can help you stay focused on the goal.

The presale countdown: steps for decluttering any space

When you walk into the first area you’ve chosen to clean out, follow this systematic process to stay productive and efficient:

1. Create a strict sorting system for what to toss, donate, sell, or keep

As you enter the first room on your checklist, be prepared for an emotional experience. No matter the reason you’re selling the home, you’ve already got a lot on your emotional plate. Research and our experts agree that our emotional attachment to our stuff is one of the biggest barriers to successfully decluttering.

If you or other family members are struggling with this emotional attachment, you should consider hiring a professional to create an objective system for you to follow. According to Metten, “The nice thing about having a professional come in is that they can assess the situation without the emotional baggage.” Having a system you can follow helps remove emotions from the equation.

We recommend the following three-category sorting system:

  • Trash — any item you haven’t used in over a year that no one would pay for or want
  • Donate or sell — any item you haven’t used in over a year that someone would pay for
  • Keep and box up — any item you have used in the last year, but not for three to six months
  • Keep and stage — any item that you use on a daily or weekly basis

2. Trash or recycle what you don’t use, and others won’t use

Depending on the amount of stuff and size of your project, you may need to do a bit of planning to throw away or recycle your unused, obsolete items responsibly.

For everyday items:

  • Purchase large, durable trash bags to fill and place with your curbside trash
  • Contact your waste management to ask about an extra pickup

For an excessive amount or large items:

  • Rent a truck or trailer to haul items to your local dump
  • Rent a temporary dumpster
  • Consider hiring a junk removal service

For items that require special care:

For items that can be recycled or need to be disposed of properly, you can find handy search tools online, such as

Be careful NOT to throw away the following items (especially when cleaning out a property for a deceased relative after you inherit a house and sell it):

  • Important documents
  • Wills and trust documents
  • Real estate deeds and titles
  • Insurance policies
  • Bank statements
  • Stock certificates
  • 401(k) or other retirement account records
  • Tax returns and receipts
  • Power of attorney documents
  • Burial trusts
  • Military service records
  • Special sentimental items and family heirlooms (consider asking if other family members want them)
  • Vintage or antique items that may have unexpected value

3. Donate or sell what you haven’t used, but others will

Just because something has value doesn’t mean it’s valuable for you to hang on to it. If you haven’t used it in a year, it might be time to let it go to someone else. This is also a great chance to get some extra cash or even tax write-offs for your donations.

There are many ways to find a new home for these items:

4. Box up and remove what you have used, but not recently

Pack away items that you use infrequently and likely won’t need while your house sells. In this step, don’t overlook larger items or furniture that will make a big difference in making the space feel more spacious.

Items to consider boxing up and packing away include:

  • Books and bookshelves
  • Coffee tables and side tables
  • Off-season clothing and extra dressers
  • Extra dining chairs
  • Specialty kitchen appliances, such as an ice-cream maker or waffle iron
  • Personal decorations, especially if they are niche
  • Family pictures and non-neutral artwork
  • Infrequently-used entertainment items such as board games, toys, and movies

There are multiple options for storing these boxed-up items. You can consider a short-term storage facility, peer-to-peer storage options such as Neighbor, or even asking friends and family if they have extra space.

Although it may seem logical, resist the urge to store your boxes in your own storage spaces. “Buyers like to see that there is ample storage in the home so that there’s room for their stuff,” advises Metten.

The rapid launch: what to clean out when selling as-is

In some cases, you may want to consider selling the home as-is, especially in situations where you value timing and expending less energy and focus on the sale over getting a certain purchase price. In an as-is sale, the seller clearly labels the home as such, and buyers come in with the expectation to purchase the home in its current condition.

In this situation, whether you clean out the home is a matter of negotiation between you and the potential buyer. You can choose to sell the home as-is and not remove any of the belongings, and if the buyer agrees, you can stipulate this in the purchase contract.

If you’re looking to sell your home as quickly as possible, you can request a cash offer through HomeLight’s Simple Sale platform. With Simple Sale, you can receive a cash offer in 24 hours and sell your home in as little as 10 days without making repairs, holding open houses, or paying agent fees and listing costs.

If you’re curious what your home might be worth right now, try HomeLight’s Home Value Estimator to get a ballpark estimate in less than two minutes. Our home value estimator uses information from multiple sources to create a real-time home value estimate based on current market trends.

Sell 'As Is' With a Cash Offer or Top Agent

HomeLight’s Simple Sale platform can provide a no-obligation cash offer for homes in almost any condition. Skip repairs and close in as few as 10 days. You’ll also see an estimate of what a top agent might be able to get for your home. Compare both options with one tool.

FAQs: answered by the experts

1. What’s the biggest mistake people make when cleaning out a home?

According to Nash, one of the biggest mistakes sellers make is underestimating the project and procrastinating. This leaves sellers scrambling and stressed when it comes time to take photos and show the home. “Sometimes, we’ve literally had to go room by room to help them box things up to even make them presentable for photos,” explains Nash.

2.  How often is clutter a problem for someone selling their home?

“Probably 70% of the time,” Metten explains, “having too much stuff or clutter is an obstacle to selling the home.” Metten explains that in most cases, sellers are able to tackle the clutter in two to four weeks to get it clean enough to list. But in some cases, an immense amount of clutter can delay sellers from listing their home for several months.

3. Where do you recommend starting when cleaning out a home?

Nash always recommends that sellers start in the kitchen and go from there. “That’s where you accumulate the most stuff that’s not in use,” Nash explains. “People have a lot of infrequently-used dishware and appliances in the kitchen and decorations on the counters and above the cabinets.“ Other experts recommend starting in the bathroom because it’s usually the smallest room in the house.

Ready for liftoff: get ready for a successful sale

Just as mankind has accomplished amazing feats, such as landing on the moon, you can arrive at the point where your home is ready to show off and attract potential buyers. You can overcome the hurdle of getting started by setting small and achievable goals within your time window. Once you get started, one area at a time, you’ll increase your motivation by seeing your progress along the way.

By following the tips in this guide, you can significantly boost the value of your home. According to Nash, “By doing the work to declutter and stage your home well, you’ll have a lot more showings by widening the interested buyer pool.”

Partnering with an experienced real estate agent will make the entire process easier. Use HomeLight’s Agent Match to find a top agent who can help you identify the best resources in your area to clean out your home and get the value that you deserve.

If you’re preparing your home to sell and looking for a new home at the same time, check out HomeLight’s modern Buy Before You Sell program. This innovative solution unlocks your equity to streamline the process. Make a non-contingent offer on your new home and only move once. See this short video to learn more.

Header Image Source: (Andy Dean Photography / Shutterstock)