Homes for sale in Pflugerville, TX


Frequently asked questions

What is the median price of homes sold in Pflugerville, TX?

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The current median home price in Pflugerville, TX is $345,000, down 29.6% from January 2025 to March 2025. The current sales-to-list ratio in Pflugerville, TX is 1.02, suggesting that homes are selling at a higher price than they’ve been listed.

How many homes are available for sale in Pflugerville, TX?

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There are currently 123 homes for sale in Pflugerville, TX.

What kinds of homes are available in Pflugerville, TX?

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There are single family homes, condos and townhomes for sale in Pflugerville, TX.

How quickly do homes sell in Pflugerville, TX?

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Homes in Pflugerville, TX are staying on the market for 56 days on average. That’s 32 days less on average from January 2025 to March 2025.

How many homes were sold in Pflugerville, TX last month?

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In March 2025, there were 2,832 sold homes in Pflugerville, TX.

What are some of the most popular zip codes and nearby cities for Pflugerville, TX?

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Popular Pflugerville zip codes to live in include 78660, 78634, 78653 and 78664. You may also be interested in popular cities near Pflugerville, TX such as Austin and Round Rock.

How often does HomeLight update their listings in Pflugerville, TX?

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Our listings are updated near real time so you can see the newest homes in Pflugerville, TX and latest updates as soon as they come to the market.

How can I find a real estate agent in Pflugerville, TX?

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There are 3,363 active real estate agents in Pflugerville, TX. Working with a top Pflugerville real estate agent can help you navigate the market and get the best deal.

Find top real estate agents in Pflugerville and nearby cities

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