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We’ve introduced over 36,000 buyers and sellers to top local Alabama real estate agents

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Top Alabama real estate agents

The Heart of Dixie spans 51,705 square miles, which includes the U.S. Space & Rocket Center, Lake Martin, and a strong real estate market. HomeLight finds the top real estate agents in Alabama to help you sell or find the perfect home in Birmingham, Montgomery, and more. The process is easy, free, and data-backed by millions of real estate transactions, so that you can find top Alabama real estate agents in your county.

"The first realtor that HomeLight recommend really impressed me, she was great and my home sold within 30 days. I wish I had known about HomeLight years ago!"

Valerie M.

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Compare agents in top Alabama real estate markets


Active Agents2,730
Time on Market60
Avg. Sale Price$315,000


Active Agents2,898
Time on Market55
Avg. Sale Price$159,300


Active Agents301
Time on Market75
Avg. Sale Price$99,500


Active Agents1,242
Time on Market60
Avg. Sale Price$240,000


Active Agents1,265
Time on Market70
Avg. Sale Price$191,000


Active Agents355
Time on Market97
Avg. Sale Price$191,000


Active Agents553
Time on Market70
Avg. Sale Price$179,900


Active Agents413
Time on Market56
Avg. Sale Price$205,000


Active Agents1,343
Time on Market49
Avg. Sale Price$199,000


Active Agents737
Time on Market59
Avg. Sale Price$150,000


Active Agents1,192
Time on Market70
Avg. Sale Price$246,000


Active Agents972
Time on Market71
Avg. Sale Price$285,000


Active Agents1,013
Time on Market49
Avg. Sale Price$360,000


Active Agents1,174
Time on Market64
Avg. Sale Price$170,900


Active Agents1,513
Time on Market53
Avg. Sale Price$234,500

Vestavia Hills

Active Agents1,488
Time on Market55
Avg. Sale Price$372,500

Check out some of our other resources for Alabama homeowners

When's the best time to sell my home?
Use housing market data in your city to learn the best and worst months to sell your home.
HomeLight Simple Sale
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Find out what your home is worth
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Advice from America’s Top Agents
Get the latest real estate tips and learn how to sell your home faster and for more money.
Simple real estate calculators
Use our free calculators to help you make informed financial decisions when buying or selling a home.

"HomeLight was very easy! Within just a few hours I had been contacted by a company, and we went with that realtor. He was amazing!"

Krystal V.B.

HomeLight Client

"HomeLight was so helpful in the sale of my mother's home after her passing. Thank you for making a difficult decision worry free."

Lynn A.

HomeLight Client

"HomeLight's realtor matching process was immediate and we were out house shopping within a couple of days. Thank you for helping us get started on the right foot in buying our first home."

Rajiv S.

HomeLight Client