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We’ve introduced over 2,300 buyers and sellers to top local South Dakota real estate agents

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Top South Dakota real estate agents

Home of Mount Rushmore and Badlands National Park, South Dakota is scenic, natural, and has a steady real estate market. HomeLight works with top real estate agents in South Dakota who understand your needs and local area. We analyze millions of transaction to match you in minutes with top real estate agents in SD for free. Find top real estate agents in South Dakota with HomeLight.

"HomeLight put me in touch with the perfect real estate agent. He understood the market in my area, was familiar with my neighborhood, and helped me to get the maximum dollar amount for my home."

Debra H..

Find the perfect real estate agent in South Dakota

Compare agents in top South Dakota real estate markets

Rapid City

Active Agents554
Time on Market61
Avg. Sale Price$230,000

Sioux Falls

Active Agents90
Time on Market56
Avg. Sale Price$216,500


Active Agents31
Time on Market76
Avg. Sale Price$160,000


Active Agents84
Time on Market77
Avg. Sale Price$201,000

Dakota Dunes

Active Agents80
Time on Market71
Avg. Sale Price$363,000


Active Agents15
Time on Market70
Avg. Sale Price$185,000

Elk Point

Active Agents20
Time on Market53
Avg. Sale Price$159,900

Check out some of our other resources for South Dakota homeowners

When's the best time to sell my home?
Use housing market data in your city to learn the best and worst months to sell your home.
HomeLight Simple Sale
Find out what cash buyers are willing to pay for your home right now.
Find out what your home is worth
Get a free estimated value of your home in less than 2 minutes.
Advice from America’s Top Agents
Get the latest real estate tips and learn how to sell your home faster and for more money.
Simple real estate calculators
Use our free calculators to help you make informed financial decisions when buying or selling a home.

"It’s a pleasure to provide such satisfying experience of the sale of my home using HomeLight. The process was simple, smooth and efficient. I would not hesitate to recommend both HomeLight and their service"

Lawrence B.

HomeLight Client

"HomeLight made the agent-hiring experience quick and simple, with a superb agent match for us. The agent we chose did an exceptional job in marketing our home for sale."

Kathryn D.

HomeLight Client

"I had tried to sell my house 3 times. I went onto HomeLight and was matched with an agent right away. My house sold in 5 days! It's a wonderful service. I'd recommend it in a heartbeat!"

Sarah G.

HomeLight Client