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Top Tennessee real estate agents

Full of history and southern culture, Tennessee stretches 42,143 square miles, encompassing the music capital of the world and booming real estate market. HomeLight finds the top Tennessee real estate agents, who work with your specific needs and specialize in your target TN area. We recommend agents based on their stats and reputation, so you know they are qualified and reliable. Find a top real estate agent in Tennessee with HomeLight.

"I would like to thank HomeLight for connecting us with an outstanding Realtor... She was a perfect fit and was able to sell our property, understanding our needs throughout the process. Thank you, HomeLight, for making this all possible."

Janice S.

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Compare agents in top Tennessee real estate markets


Active Agents1,734
Time on Market64
Avg. Sale Price$700,000


Active Agents2,338
Time on Market68
Avg. Sale Price$520,000


Active Agents1,115
Time on Market64
Avg. Sale Price$205,000

Spring Hill

Active Agents1,856
Time on Market65
Avg. Sale Price$329,000

Mount Juliet

Active Agents1,380
Time on Market72
Avg. Sale Price$359,900


Active Agents1,049
Time on Market64
Avg. Sale Price$305,000


Active Agents1,233
Time on Market64
Avg. Sale Price$293,000


Active Agents1,624
Time on Market61
Avg. Sale Price$322,400


Active Agents2,393
Time on Market59
Avg. Sale Price$280,000


Active Agents831
Time on Market64
Avg. Sale Price$238,000


Active Agents325
Time on Market56
Avg. Sale Price$214,900


Active Agents1,355
Time on Market55
Avg. Sale Price$220,000


Active Agents94
Time on Market57
Avg. Sale Price$292,000


Active Agents6,466
Time on Market57
Avg. Sale Price$299,000


Active Agents525
Time on Market52
Avg. Sale Price$246,000


Active Agents322
Time on Market49
Avg. Sale Price$214,000

Check out some of our other resources for Tennessee homeowners

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Find top real estate agents in these Tennessee cities

Top Real Estate Agents in Tennessee

"We sold our home in less than one week after listing for more than we expected. We have already recommended HomeLight to others and will continue to do so without hesitation."

Jim P.

HomeLight Client

"The agent I worked with was recommended by HomeLight... she did an amazing job. I would recommend her to everyone. She went above and beyond and did a very professional job for me. Thank you HomeLight for recommending her."

Leslee C.

HomeLight Client

"We could not have been more pleased with HomeLight. We were shocked at how fast after our inquiry we began receiving calls from realtors - literally within an hour of using the site."

Andrea D.

HomeLight Client