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We’ve introduced over 40,100 buyers and sellers to top local Arizona real estate agents

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Top Arizona real estate agents

With the massive Grand Canyon and largest municipal park in the U.S., Arizona can fit all of New England plus Pennsylvania within its state lines. There’s no short of land for homes or real estate agents that HomeLight can help you find. Home buyers and sellers get the top real estate recommendations from HomeLight. The process is simple, free, and unbiased to support their specific needs and Arizona location. Find a top real estate agent in Arizona with HomeLight.

"I registered with HomeLight and in less than 24 hours I had 2 real estate agents contact me eager to help me with my home selling needs. It was easy, no surprises, and my home closed without a hitch"

Leslie C.

Find the perfect real estate agent in Arizona

Compare agents in top Arizona real estate markets


Active Agents12,152
Time on Market70
Avg. Sale Price$500,000


Active Agents13,828
Time on Market50
Avg. Sale Price$273,800


Active Agents4,085
Time on Market68
Avg. Sale Price$244,900


Active Agents4,331
Time on Market66
Avg. Sale Price$299,999


Active Agents27,353
Time on Market57
Avg. Sale Price$265,000


Active Agents9,086
Time on Market53
Avg. Sale Price$259,000


Active Agents10,284
Time on Market49
Avg. Sale Price$328,000

San Tan Valley

Active Agents5,789
Time on Market56
Avg. Sale Price$240,000


Active Agents6,884
Time on Market58
Avg. Sale Price$269,000


Active Agents10,808
Time on Market50
Avg. Sale Price$345,000


Active Agents3,308
Time on Market70
Avg. Sale Price$220,900


Active Agents8,198
Time on Market57
Avg. Sale Price$312,000

Sun City

Active Agents3,517
Time on Market50
Avg. Sale Price$195,000

Queen Creek

Active Agents3,051
Time on Market63
Avg. Sale Price$369,000


Active Agents6,414
Time on Market48
Avg. Sale Price$300,000


Active Agents4,171
Time on Market55
Avg. Sale Price$195,000

Check out some of our other resources for Arizona homeowners

When's the best time to sell my home?
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Find out what your home is worth
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Advice from America’s Top Agents
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Simple real estate calculators
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Find top real estate agents in these Arizona cities

Top Real Estate Agents in Arizona

"My agent wrote a killer MLS listing and also had a stunning drone video made to show it off. That lot sold in 10 days, thanks to his efforts. I can't thank HomeLight enough for helping me connect with the exact agent for me."

Joan P.

HomeLight Client

"When we decided to sell our home, we knew no one in real estate. So, we turned to HomeLight. Our house was under contract in six weeks. Thanks HomeLight for referring the agents!"

Lynnette M.

HomeLight Client

"Their website was simple and easy to use, and their staff is very friendly and great to work with. HomeLight made sure that I was satisfied... I would highly recommend using them as the best place to start when selling your home."

Neal V.

HomeLight Client