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Top Utah real estate agents

Utah, one of the healthiest states in the country and home of the Great Salt Lake, covers 84,899 square miles over the Great Basin and the Rocky Mountains. UT is also one of the fastest growing states in the past years with a steady housing market. HomeLight analyzes millions of transactions to find top real estate agents in Utah. In minutes, receive free, unbiased, and data-backed recommendations based on agent stats and reputation. Find top real estate agents in Utah with HomeLight that you can count on.

"The realtor that HomeLight connected us with was exactly what we were looking for! Thank you HomeLight for the great recommendation and for helping us find the perfect first single family home."

Cody D.

Find the perfect real estate agent in Utah

Compare agents in top Utah real estate markets

Salt Lake City

Active Agents205
Time on Market49
Avg. Sale Price$385,000


Active Agents77
Time on Market43
Avg. Sale Price$229,900


Active Agents95
Time on Market48
Avg. Sale Price$372,500


Active Agents90
Time on Market52
Avg. Sale Price$312,210

Eagle Mountain

Active Agents83
Time on Market49
Avg. Sale Price$315,000


Active Agents89
Time on Market46
Avg. Sale Price$300,000


Active Agents341
Time on Market70
Avg. Sale Price$305,000


Active Agents132
Time on Market61
Avg. Sale Price$383,000

West Valley City

Active Agents96
Time on Market47
Avg. Sale Price$305,000

West Jordan

Active Agents131
Time on Market44
Avg. Sale Price$334,000

Cedar City

Active Agents241
Time on Market79
Avg. Sale Price$226,000

Saint George

Active Agents29
Time on Market55
Avg. Sale Price$315,000


Active Agents225
Time on Market61
Avg. Sale Price$345,000


Active Agents406
Time on Market68
Avg. Sale Price$345,000

Check out some of our other resources for Utah homeowners

When's the best time to sell my home?
Use housing market data in your city to learn the best and worst months to sell your home.
HomeLight Simple Sale
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Find out what your home is worth
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Advice from America’s Top Agents
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Simple real estate calculators
Use our free calculators to help you make informed financial decisions when buying or selling a home.

"I submitted my information which only took less than 5 mins... From the first email to sell our home, it took less than 60 days. HomeLight is very professional and responded quickly to any questions I had. Thanks, HomeLight!"

Michael S.

HomeLight Client

"We used HomeLight to take a lot of the guesswork out of finding the best Realtor in our area. Once we had our recommended Realtor, she got to work at listing us in a couple days...Then, to our surprise, our home sold in a week! "

Ashley T.

HomeLight Client

"When we were searching for a realtor, HomeLight provided us a couple realtors to consider. We listed the home and within 9 days had an open house, multiple walk thrus and an offer! The entire process was very efficient. "

Kathy D..

HomeLight Client