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We analyze millions of home sales to find the best performing real estate agents.

We’ve introduced over 4,200 buyers and sellers to top local Vermont real estate agents

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We analyze over 27 million transactions and thousands of reviews to determine which agent is best for you based on your needs.

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Top Vermont real estate agents

The largest producer of maple syrup and home to the highest ratio of humans to cows (1 to 3.8!), Vermont stretches 9,616 square miles in a stable housing market. HomeLight analyzes VT real estate transactions to find the top agents who work with your specific needs and Vermont area. The process is simple, free, and unbiased to provide Vermont real estate agent that you can trust.

"I contacted HomeLight and received three recommended agents, each of whom was very qualified to list our property. Once we decided upon a Realtor, we received excellent attention, respect, and courtesy. "

Sanford M.

Find the perfect real estate agent in Vermont

Compare agents in top Vermont real estate markets


Active Agents318
Time on Market74
Avg. Sale Price$287,000


Active Agents140
Time on Market98
Avg. Sale Price$225,000


Active Agents439
Time on Market71
Avg. Sale Price$325,000

South Burlington

Active Agents394
Time on Market66
Avg. Sale Price$343,000

Essex Junction

Active Agents341
Time on Market65
Avg. Sale Price$320,000


Active Agents197
Time on Market91
Avg. Sale Price$162,500


Active Agents185
Time on Market105
Avg. Sale Price$276,900

Check out some of our other resources for Vermont homeowners

When's the best time to sell my home?
Use housing market data in your city to learn the best and worst months to sell your home.
HomeLight Simple Sale
Find out what cash buyers are willing to pay for your home right now.
Find out what your home is worth
Get a free estimated value of your home in less than 2 minutes.
Advice from America’s Top Agents
Get the latest real estate tips and learn how to sell your home faster and for more money.
Simple real estate calculators
Use our free calculators to help you make informed financial decisions when buying or selling a home.

"HomeLight matched me with three top-selling agents in my area. It was such a relief to not have to go hunting for a real estate agent. My agent sold my house in three days for over the asking price! I would highly recommend HomeLight to everyone."

Sharon D. W.

HomeLight Client

"All of the Realtors that were provided to me were extremely professional, competent, and very accomplished. I would definitely recommend using HomeLight to anyone who wants to ensure they are working with the best of the best."

Latoya L.

HomeLight Client

"HomeLight put me in touch with the agent I chose and...checked on the progress of my sale. The agent... was very professional and able to sell my house at asking price in just a few days! I would recommend HomeLight to anyone looking to sell a house."

David K.

HomeLight Client