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We’ve introduced over 2,800 buyers and sellers to top local Wyoming real estate agents

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Top Wyoming real estate agents

Land of Bisons and known as the Equality State, Wyoming is home to most of Yellowstone National Park, which draws more than 4 million visitors per year. Though more wilderness inhabits the area, Wyoming's housing market is steadfast and affordable. HomeLight finds the top real estate agents in Wyoming to help you sell or find the perfect home. The process is easy, free, and data-backed by millions of real estate transactions, so that you can find top Wyoming real estate agents who fit your needs and area.

"I will surely recommend HomeLight... We had used another agent previously not associated with and were horribly disappointed. Overall we were very pleased and glad we used...Homelight for this transaction."

Jeff A.

Find the perfect real estate agent in Wyoming

Compare agents in top Wyoming real estate markets


Active Agents101
Time on Market98
Avg. Sale Price$225,000


Active Agents425
Time on Market64
Avg. Sale Price$210,000


Active Agents52
Time on Market89
Avg. Sale Price$240,500


Active Agents10
Time on Market87
Avg. Sale Price$200,000

Green River

Active Agents103
Time on Market95
Avg. Sale Price$224,000


Active Agents25
Time on Market76
Avg. Sale Price$265,500


Active Agents72
Time on Market112
Avg. Sale Price$163,000


Active Agents127
Time on Market67
Avg. Sale Price$230,000

Rock Springs

Active Agents123
Time on Market73
Avg. Sale Price$228,000


Active Agents52
Time on Market108
Avg. Sale Price$242,500


Active Agents63
Time on Market67
Avg. Sale Price$172,000


Active Agents43
Time on Market108
Avg. Sale Price$145,000


Active Agents47
Time on Market125
Avg. Sale Price$179,000


Active Agents65
Time on Market108
Avg. Sale Price$175,000

Bar Nunn

Active Agents116
Time on Market63
Avg. Sale Price$252,000


Active Agents106
Time on Market89
Avg. Sale Price$229,000

Check out some of our other resources for Wyoming homeowners

When's the best time to sell my home?
Use housing market data in your city to learn the best and worst months to sell your home.
HomeLight Simple Sale
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Find out what your home is worth
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Advice from America’s Top Agents
Get the latest real estate tips and learn how to sell your home faster and for more money.
Simple real estate calculators
Use our free calculators to help you make informed financial decisions when buying or selling a home.

"We want to thank HomeLight for leading us in the right direction to find the perfect Realtor to sell our home. We finally feel like we had the right Realtor on our side."

Tami L.

HomeLight Client

"We sold our home in less than one week after listing for more than we expected. We have already recommended HomeLight to others and will continue to do so without hesitation."

Jim P.

HomeLight Client

"The HomeLight website was easy to navigate and the agent matching was excellent. I would recommend HomeLight to anyone wanting to sell a home in Austin or nearby areas. It made selling a house easy!"

Debbie P.

HomeLight Client