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We’ve introduced over 64,200 buyers and sellers to top local Michigan real estate agents

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Top Michigan real estate agents

Michigan, the Great Lake State, has more than 11,000 inland lakes and 116 lighthouses all across its 96,716 square miles, where the housing market keeps expanding. HomeLight finds the top real estate agents in Michigan to help you sell or the find the perfect home. The process is easy, free, and data-backed by millions of real estate transactions, so that you can find top Michigan real estate agents in your county.

"Homelight sent us several realtors to choose from. This helped us find the right realtor to help us sell our house quickly and to get us the most money."

Jack M.

Find the perfect real estate agent in Michigan

Compare agents in top Michigan real estate markets

Grand Rapids

Active Agents2,189
Time on Market42
Avg. Sale Price$180,000


Active Agents290
Time on Market59
Avg. Sale Price$95,000

Farmington Hills

Active Agents4,056
Time on Market55
Avg. Sale Price$262,250

Royal Oak

Active Agents3,538
Time on Market50
Avg. Sale Price$245,000

Rochester Hills

Active Agents2,559
Time on Market55
Avg. Sale Price$325,000


Active Agents1,975
Time on Market50
Avg. Sale Price$148,500


Active Agents4,305
Time on Market48
Avg. Sale Price$199,900


Active Agents2,314
Time on Market51
Avg. Sale Price$156,000


Active Agents4,056
Time on Market69
Avg. Sale Price$45,966

Ann Arbor

Active Agents919
Time on Market57
Avg. Sale Price$352,000


Active Agents824
Time on Market61
Avg. Sale Price$52,500


Active Agents3,451
Time on Market54
Avg. Sale Price$131,900

Sterling Heights

Active Agents5,755
Time on Market52
Avg. Sale Price$215,000


Active Agents620
Time on Market53
Avg. Sale Price$269,500

West Bloomfield

Active Agents521
Time on Market57
Avg. Sale Price$309,000


Active Agents569
Time on Market50
Avg. Sale Price$177,000

Check out some of our other resources for Michigan homeowners

When's the best time to sell my home?
Use housing market data in your city to learn the best and worst months to sell your home.
HomeLight Simple Sale
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Find out what your home is worth
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Advice from America’s Top Agents
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Simple real estate calculators
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Find top real estate agents in these Michigan cities

Top Real Estate Agents in Michigan

"HomeLight provided me the best realtor we could ask for. We ended up choosing the top match for us and selling our home faster than we thought we would."

Rudy J.

HomeLight Client

"HomeLight offers a very useful service in narrowing the field to those agents best suited to selling specific properties. It saved me a significant amount of time compiling lists of agents and then contacting each one."

Jean H.

HomeLight Client

"HomeLight was helpful for me in finding a quality Realtor in an area I was not familiar with. HomeLight provided the research and information I needed to select and hire the right Realtor for my needs. "

Greenstone F.

HomeLight Client