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Top Florida real estate agents

Home to 21.3 million people and more than 900 new residents moving to Florida every day, the Sunshine State boasts a competitive housing market, stretching 447 miles along the Atlantic Ocean. HomeLight finds the top real estate agents in Florida to work with your specific needs and FL county. In minutes, you receive free and unbiased recommendations that are curated from millions of real estate transactions. Find top real estate agents in Florida with HomeLight that you can count on.

"I was delighted with the service that HomeLight provided to assist in my search for a good Realtor to act for me in the sale of my condo.. My condo sold in three days and was the easiest property transaction I have ever had. Thank you."

Jennifer C.

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Compare agents in top Florida real estate markets


Active Agents6,344
Time on Market65
Avg. Sale Price$256,990


Active Agents5,440
Time on Market68
Avg. Sale Price$260,000


Active Agents1,548
Time on Market85
Avg. Sale Price$285,000


Active Agents3,860
Time on Market70
Avg. Sale Price$227,000


Active Agents2,596
Time on Market95
Avg. Sale Price$335,000


Active Agents1,252
Time on Market67
Avg. Sale Price$199,900

Cape Coral

Active Agents3,436
Time on Market95
Avg. Sale Price$241,900

Lehigh Acres

Active Agents1,769
Time on Market86
Avg. Sale Price$183,900

Fort Myers

Active Agents1,741
Time on Market93
Avg. Sale Price$239,000


Active Agents315
Time on Market72
Avg. Sale Price$177,900


Active Agents1,620
Time on Market65
Avg. Sale Price$206,990


Active Agents11,659
Time on Market101
Avg. Sale Price$330,000

West Palm Beach

Active Agents3,986
Time on Market88
Avg. Sale Price$209,000

Boca Raton

Active Agents4,815
Time on Market97
Avg. Sale Price$350,000


Active Agents1,094
Time on Market112
Avg. Sale Price$375,000

Port Saint Lucie

Active Agents533
Time on Market77
Avg. Sale Price$233,000

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Find top real estate agents in these Florida cities

Top Real Estate Agents in Florida

"We went under contract in less than 30 days! HomeLight saved me time and reduced my home sale stress. Thank you! "

Ann N.

HomeLight Client

"HomeLight made it very easy to identify a Realtor that was an expert in the neighborhood we were looking for a new home. Having the ability to identify the top sellers in the area, and providing the names of those Realtors, was a big win. "

Walter C.

HomeLight Client

"HomeLight provided a very prompt reply, that provided us with three agents who fit the criteria we were looking for in selling our home... The value in HomeLight providing the vetting was incalculable. We are very happy with the service provided by HomeLight."

Paul P.

HomeLight Client