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Top Georgia real estate agents

Known as the Peach State and for their humid summers, Georgia is host to 159 counties and also hosted the 1996 Olympics. Added job opportunities and an influx of new residents make the housing market in Georgia even more competitive. HomeLight finds the top GA real estate agents who work with your specific needs and Georgia location. In minutes, our unbiased and data-backed algorithm matches you with the right real estate agent for free. Find a top real estate in Georgia with HomeLight.

"HomeLight saved the day by identifying three best of class real estate agencies in Atlanta and within 2 months we purchased. "

Martha L.

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Compare agents in top Georgia real estate markets


Active Agents14,285
Time on Market62
Avg. Sale Price$295,500


Active Agents4,565
Time on Market59
Avg. Sale Price$199,900


Active Agents6,477
Time on Market54
Avg. Sale Price$232,000


Active Agents3,044
Time on Market60
Avg. Sale Price$219,900


Active Agents1,305
Time on Market60
Avg. Sale Price$245,000


Active Agents3,033
Time on Market71
Avg. Sale Price$235,000


Active Agents1,024
Time on Market58
Avg. Sale Price$392,000


Active Agents1,765
Time on Market76
Avg. Sale Price$206,000


Active Agents4,420
Time on Market55
Avg. Sale Price$264,990


Active Agents5,449
Time on Market54
Avg. Sale Price$308,000


Active Agents3,172
Time on Market61
Avg. Sale Price$295,000


Active Agents8,575
Time on Market56
Avg. Sale Price$295,000


Active Agents3,908
Time on Market69
Avg. Sale Price$425,000


Active Agents5,692
Time on Market68
Avg. Sale Price$329,000


Active Agents6,554
Time on Market51
Avg. Sale Price$275,000


Active Agents891
Time on Market71
Avg. Sale Price$225,016

Check out some of our other resources for Georgia homeowners

When's the best time to sell my home?
Use housing market data in your city to learn the best and worst months to sell your home.
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Find out what your home is worth
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Advice from America’s Top Agents
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Simple real estate calculators
Use our free calculators to help you make informed financial decisions when buying or selling a home.

Find top real estate agents in these Georgia cities

Top Real Estate Agents in Georgia

"I would highly recommend HomeLight as a valuable medium for determining and selecting a competent, professional real estate agent."

Kenneth S.

HomeLight Client

"We had a contract on the home within two weeks of listing. Thanks to HomeLight for directing us to a very good realtor."

Roger C..

HomeLight Client

"I would recommend HomeLight to anyone who wants to work with a top-notch realtor and get their home sold fast! I received a full offer the day after putting my home on the market."

Joyce P.

HomeLight Client