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Top Washington real estate agents

Washington, home of the Space Needle and Mount Rainier, has some of the fastest growing cities and hottest housing markets in the country. HomeLight analyzes millions of transactions to find top real estate agents in Washington. In minutes, receive free, unbiased, and data-backed recommendations based on agent stats and reputation. Find top real estate agents in Washington with HomeLight.

"I would recommend HomeLight to anyone needing to find a realtor as they allowed me to see many different realtors and what they offered. Without Homelight I don't know if I would have found a great realtor group as easily."

Amy G.

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Top Real Estate Agents in Washington

"We were very pleased with your referral. The agent and her team were excellent...[they] worked tirelessly to sell our home. HomeLight was the key! This does not happen often in life and I am pleased with how this transaction proceeded and concluded."

Francine T.

HomeLight Client

"HomeLight came up in a search I did when I was tired of my lazy, inexperienced Realtor and was surfing looking for a new Realtor who would have a specific expertise... I'd definitely recommend finding a Realtor by using HomeLight."

Elizabeth M.

HomeLight Client

"The recommendation HomeLight provided resulted in a prompt sale, smooth transition, excellent service, and even a discounted brokerage fee!"

Bob G.

HomeLight Client