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We’ve introduced over 23,600 buyers and sellers to top local Connecticut real estate agents

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Top Connecticut real estate agents

From Victorian Homes built in the 18th century to the first hamburger created by Louis’ Lunch in New Haven, Connecticut, one of the original 13 colonies, is filled with history and character. The Constitution State is home to the first State House and currently 3.59 million people that live in 1.36 million households. HomeLight analyzes CT real estate transactions to find the top agents who work with your specific needs and area. The process is simple, free, and unbiased to provide Connecticut real estate agent that you can trust.

"Finding a good Realtor can be hit or miss, and can be costly if they don't price or market your house properly. Contacting Homelight for this referral worked out extremely well for us. Thank you! "

Demi K.

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Compare agents in top Connecticut real estate markets


Active Agents1,816
Time on Market73
Avg. Sale Price$200,000


Active Agents1,684
Time on Market80
Avg. Sale Price$140,416


Active Agents1,962
Time on Market83
Avg. Sale Price$196,000


Active Agents1,337
Time on Market81
Avg. Sale Price$206,960

West Hartford

Active Agents1,515
Time on Market77
Avg. Sale Price$290,455


Active Agents1,558
Time on Market85
Avg. Sale Price$245,000


Active Agents1,764
Time on Market77
Avg. Sale Price$185,000


Active Agents1,225
Time on Market85
Avg. Sale Price$319,000


Active Agents1,151
Time on Market80
Avg. Sale Price$241,000


Active Agents1,377
Time on Market93
Avg. Sale Price$429,000


Active Agents1,459
Time on Market94
Avg. Sale Price$485,000


Active Agents1,320
Time on Market77
Avg. Sale Price$284,000


Active Agents289
Time on Market62
Avg. Sale Price$181,000


Active Agents435
Time on Market93
Avg. Sale Price$560,000


Active Agents342
Time on Market72
Avg. Sale Price$277,500


Active Agents395
Time on Market74
Avg. Sale Price$179,900

Check out some of our other resources for Connecticut homeowners

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Top Real Estate Agents in Connecticut

"We would highly recommend HomeLight as a valuable resource to find the perfect agent to sell any type of property."

Terri B.

HomeLight Client

"I found HomeLight quick and easy to use to help me select a Realtor to sell my second home. I selected the first Realtor on the HomeLight list and am pleased to report that I closed on the home within 30 days of listing."

Jane L.

HomeLight Client

"Having returned to my home town after a long absence, I didn't have any connections to recommend a good agent to help with the sale of my parent's home. HomeLight connected me with a great agent who had the home sold in less than 3 weeks."

Mary W.

HomeLight Client