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Top Nebraska real estate agents

Proud homebase of the Cornhuskers and where Charles Lindbergh took his first flying lessons, Nebraska encompasses the Great Plains and affordable homes in a steady real estate market. HomeLight analyzes NE real estate transactions to find the top agents who work with your specific needs and area. HomeLight's process is simple, free, and unbiased to recommend Nebraska real estate agents that you can trust.

"Selling a house is not for the faint-hearted and especially hard without the right Realtor!! With the help of HomeLight, I was able to secure an excellent Realtor who sold my house quickly and without difficulty! "

Timothy T.

Find the perfect real estate agent in Nebraska

Compare agents in top Nebraska real estate markets


Active Agents148
Time on Market44
Avg. Sale Price$195,000


Active Agents114
Time on Market53
Avg. Sale Price$195,000


Active Agents16
Time on Market57
Avg. Sale Price$208,000


Active Agents60
Time on Market46
Avg. Sale Price$256,000


Active Agents74
Time on Market47
Avg. Sale Price$207,800

La Vista

Active Agents35
Time on Market58
Avg. Sale Price$279,990

South Sioux City

Active Agents47
Time on Market61
Avg. Sale Price$175,950


Active Agents20
Time on Market55
Avg. Sale Price$295,000

Dakota City

Active Agents21
Time on Market72
Avg. Sale Price$170,000


Active Agents6
Time on Market375
Avg. Sale Price$74,000


Active Agents14
Time on Market170
Avg. Sale Price$83,000

Check out some of our other resources for Nebraska homeowners

When's the best time to sell my home?
Use housing market data in your city to learn the best and worst months to sell your home.
HomeLight Simple Sale
Find out what cash buyers are willing to pay for your home right now.
Find out what your home is worth
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Advice from America’s Top Agents
Get the latest real estate tips and learn how to sell your home faster and for more money.
Simple real estate calculators
Use our free calculators to help you make informed financial decisions when buying or selling a home.

Top Real Estate Agents in Nebraska

"I tried HomeLight because of their data-driven approach to identify successful agents. I chose an agent they recommended, who helped me negotiate a great price and settle on a home 2000 miles away. "

Warren B.

HomeLight Client

"We had a wonderful experience with HomeLight...and in 3 days had 3 offers and additional buyers interested. We could not have been more satisfied with our experience...we are sharing our experience with family and friends as future reference for them."

Cheryl G.

HomeLight Client

"Homelight was a great resource when selling my home. I wanted to get my home listed quickly, and having a service that helped find Realtors near me who were familiar with my local market was very helpful. The experience was great... "

Paul W.

HomeLight Client