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We’ve introduced over 38,500 buyers and sellers to top local Maryland real estate agents

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Top Maryland real estate agents

Maryland or “America in Miniature” is packed with history and places to visit, like the Chesapeake Bay. With MD's strong housing market, you’ll need a top real estate agent who works with your specific needs and Maryland area. HomeLight finds Maryland real estate agents based on their stats and reputation—our recommendations are free, unbiased, and data-backed by millions of transactions. Find a real estate agent in Maryland with HomeLight.

"I was very happy with the service provided and it ..."

Michael Z.

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Compare agents in top Maryland real estate markets


Active Agents1,839
Time on Market51
Avg. Sale Price$520,000


Active Agents2,199
Time on Market50
Avg. Sale Price$420,000


Active Agents1,676
Time on Market54
Avg. Sale Price$1,049,000


Active Agents1,299
Time on Market70
Avg. Sale Price$450,000

Silver Spring

Active Agents1,949
Time on Market48
Avg. Sale Price$548,000


Active Agents2,641
Time on Market53
Avg. Sale Price$348,000

Glen Burnie

Active Agents2,481
Time on Market61
Avg. Sale Price$274,900


Active Agents2,391
Time on Market60
Avg. Sale Price$345,450


Active Agents1,176
Time on Market54
Avg. Sale Price$316,500

Upper Marlboro

Active Agents420
Time on Market64
Avg. Sale Price$364,900


Active Agents2,907
Time on Market60
Avg. Sale Price$295,000


Active Agents5,383
Time on Market76
Avg. Sale Price$167,000


Active Agents2,305
Time on Market57
Avg. Sale Price$285,000


Active Agents3,184
Time on Market54
Avg. Sale Price$372,000


Active Agents927
Time on Market71
Avg. Sale Price$155,000

Ocean City

Active Agents101
Time on Market91
Avg. Sale Price$316,000

Check out some of our other resources for Maryland homeowners

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Advice from America’s Top Agents
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Find top real estate agents in these Maryland cities

Top Real Estate Agents in Maryland

"I used HomeLight to identify both a Realtor to sell my home in Maryland and to help buy a home in Ohio. I was impressed by the experience, knowledge and marketing capabilities of both realtors."

David E.

HomeLight Client

"I couldn't be happier with the experience. A huge thank you to HomeLight for assisting us in finding our perfect realtor!"

Katie M.

HomeLight Client

"I had a firm fair offer within 3 days of being on the market... I would highly recommend HomeLight to anyone looking to get real estate agent referrals to sell their house. They did GREAT for me."

Ann P.

HomeLight Client