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Top Texas real estate agents

Texas spans 268,597 square miles and is home to more than 28.3 million people, making it the 2nd most populated state in the US. Each prominent city in the Lone Star State has its own characteristics (Houston is the birthplace of NASA and Beyonce!) and special housing markets. HomeLight finds the top real estate agents in each Texas county to work with your specific needs and location. It’s free, simple, and data-backed by millions of transaction data that HomeLight analyzed to find the top agents in TX. Find a top real estate agent in Texas with HomeLight.

"I tried HomeLight because of their data-driven approach to identify successful agents. I chose an agent they recommended, who helped me negotiate a great price and settle on a home 2000 miles away. "

Warren B.

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Compare agents in top Texas real estate markets


Active Agents6,059
Time on Market50
Avg. Sale Price$376,750


Active Agents1,685
Time on Market81
Avg. Sale Price$297,990

Fort Worth

Active Agents8,820
Time on Market55
Avg. Sale Price$233,000


Active Agents11,692
Time on Market63
Avg. Sale Price$304,500


Active Agents6,340
Time on Market55
Avg. Sale Price$342,000


Active Agents5,090
Time on Market48
Avg. Sale Price$227,950


Active Agents33,650
Time on Market66
Avg. Sale Price$240,000


Active Agents4,649
Time on Market65
Avg. Sale Price$190,000


Active Agents4,688
Time on Market78
Avg. Sale Price$255,000


Active Agents2,393
Time on Market85
Avg. Sale Price$290,000


Active Agents1,042
Time on Market90
Avg. Sale Price$266,939


Active Agents1,191
Time on Market58
Avg. Sale Price$144,000


Active Agents4,783
Time on Market69
Avg. Sale Price$330,000

San Antonio

Active Agents13,247
Time on Market62
Avg. Sale Price$217,500

El Paso

Active Agents1,971
Time on Market83
Avg. Sale Price$165,177


Active Agents814
Time on Market59
Avg. Sale Price$285,000

Check out some of our other resources for Texas homeowners

When's the best time to sell my home?
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Advice from America’s Top Agents
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Simple real estate calculators
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Find top real estate agents in these popular Texas counties

Find top real estate agents in these Texas cities

Top Real Estate Agents in Texas

"I chose a real estate agent from three of the top agents HomeLight recommended and couldn't have been happier with my agent... Using HomeLight to help select a top real estate agent in my area was definitely a factor in the quick sale of my home."

Jennifer M.

HomeLight Client

"We went on contract in no time and I sold my house for more than the asking price. This proves that HomeLight did send the most knowledgeable agents about my area to work with me, and for that I recommend HomeLight to everyone..."

Alexander F.

HomeLight Client

"The HomeLight website was extremely easy to use and I got the best referrals I could have."

Pam L.

HomeLight Client