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Top Indiana real estate agents

The birthplace of famous performers, such as Michael Jackson and James Dean, Indiana is also known as the crossroads of America, connecting multiple interstate highways. IN’s growing population and strong housing market puts pressure on home buyers and sellers, who need top real estate agents to get the job done right. HomeLight analyzes millions of transactions and recommends top Indiana real estate agents who work with your specific needs and Indiana county.

"After having poor results for 6 months with another Realtor, I used one of the Realtors from HomeLight and within 1 month had an offer on the home and closed within 2 months. I would highly recommend this Realtor...and owe my thanks to HomeLight."

Steve G.

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Compare agents in top Indiana real estate markets

Fort Wayne

Active Agents1,036
Time on Market44
Avg. Sale Price$157,000


Active Agents566
Time on Market52
Avg. Sale Price$128,500


Active Agents432
Time on Market57
Avg. Sale Price$245,000


Active Agents367
Time on Market50
Avg. Sale Price$165,000

South Bend

Active Agents691
Time on Market51
Avg. Sale Price$119,000


Active Agents379
Time on Market57
Avg. Sale Price$225,000


Active Agents236
Time on Market49
Avg. Sale Price$170,500


Active Agents388
Time on Market56
Avg. Sale Price$112,000


Active Agents209
Time on Market58
Avg. Sale Price$89,500


Active Agents153
Time on Market49
Avg. Sale Price$178,000


Active Agents505
Time on Market47
Avg. Sale Price$134,900


Active Agents438
Time on Market47
Avg. Sale Price$159,000

West Lafayette

Active Agents293
Time on Market52
Avg. Sale Price$228,000


Active Agents248
Time on Market52
Avg. Sale Price$141,000


Active Agents188
Time on Market67
Avg. Sale Price$85,500


Active Agents290
Time on Market57
Avg. Sale Price$219,000

Check out some of our other resources for Indiana homeowners

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Find top real estate agents in these Indiana cities

"My elderly parents in Indianapolis, in their 80s and 90s respectively, had to sell their home of 50 years... I contacted HomeLight and they quickly linked me to 2 agents... We had 4 offers within the first 24 hours of listing..."

John G..

HomeLight Client

"I give HomeLight 5 out of 5 stars. Great follow up, communications, information on top Realtors and coordination. I highly recommend your services. "

Frank H.

HomeLight Client

"We were sooo pleased with HomeLight. We had had our home listed for a year with no sale... Friends of ours recommended HomeLight. They were extremely helpful and kind. I would highly recommend HomeLight! Thank you, Homelight, for finding our Realtor."

Thomas R.

HomeLight Client