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Top North Carolina real estate agents

Home of the Carolina Panthers and NASCAR Hall of Fame, North Carolina covers 53,819 square miles with a stable housing market. HomeLight analyzes millions of transactions to find top real estate agents in North Carolina. In minutes, receive free, unbiased, and data-backed recommendations based on agent stats and reputation. Find top real estate agents in North Carolina with HomeLight that you can count on.

"I highly recommend utilizing the website to find recommendations for real estate agents in any area that are professional, knowledgeable, efficient, competent and caring. "

Maredith P..

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Compare agents in top North Carolina real estate markets


Active Agents2,491
Time on Market56
Avg. Sale Price$180,000


Active Agents5,583
Time on Market54
Avg. Sale Price$273,239


Active Agents115
Time on Market75
Avg. Sale Price$140,000


Active Agents4,791
Time on Market66
Avg. Sale Price$397,000


Active Agents2,593
Time on Market77
Avg. Sale Price$244,500

Wake Forest

Active Agents2,888
Time on Market85
Avg. Sale Price$332,000


Active Agents4,689
Time on Market56
Avg. Sale Price$270,000


Active Agents2,471
Time on Market92
Avg. Sale Price$375,000

New Bern

Active Agents503
Time on Market71
Avg. Sale Price$182,000


Active Agents590
Time on Market65
Avg. Sale Price$157,900

High Point

Active Agents1,805
Time on Market56
Avg. Sale Price$175,000


Active Agents1,088
Time on Market83
Avg. Sale Price$231,940


Active Agents1,865
Time on Market62
Avg. Sale Price$231,000


Active Agents783
Time on Market59
Avg. Sale Price$150,000

Winston Salem

Active Agents1,048
Time on Market52
Avg. Sale Price$169,900

Fuquay Varina

Active Agents523
Time on Market92
Avg. Sale Price$289,700

Check out some of our other resources for North Carolina homeowners

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Find top real estate agents in these North Carolina cities

Top Real Estate Agents in North Carolina

"We are so pleased with the real estate agent HomeLight suggested... We were impressed with his negotiation skills and his recommended counter offer got us a better price than we had hoped. "

Graham E.

HomeLight Client

"Homelight was a great experience. The recommended agents came prepared to discuss our home's value and what we would be able to sell it for. If we ever sell another house, we'll use HomeLight again!"

Deryl J.

HomeLight Client

"HomeLight did an excellent job at matching me with an experienced professional... If I ever need an experienced Realtor, I will definitely choose HomeLight again. "

Alec J.B.

HomeLight Client