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We’ve introduced over 18,500 buyers and sellers to top local Nevada real estate agents

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Top Nevada real estate agents

From snowy Lake Tahoe to Sin City Las Vegas, there's a destination for everyone in Nevada. With a stable, but hot housing market, you'll need a real estate agent to help you sell or buy a home. HomeLight finds the top real estate agents in each NV county to work with your specific needs and location. It’s free, simple, and data-backed by millions of transaction data that HomeLight analyzed to find the top agents in Nevada. Find a top real estate agent in Nevada with HomeLight.

"HomeLight was very easy to use and gave us a couple of different agent recommendations. We came away with a great new home and couldn't be happier!"

Jeremy G.

Find the perfect real estate agent in Nevada

Compare agents in top Nevada real estate markets

Las Vegas

Active Agents11,571
Time on Market64
Avg. Sale Price$281,000


Active Agents8,324
Time on Market63
Avg. Sale Price$335,000


Active Agents2,795
Time on Market68
Avg. Sale Price$375,000

North Las Vegas

Active Agents6,864
Time on Market62
Avg. Sale Price$268,000


Active Agents81
Time on Market77
Avg. Sale Price$170,000


Active Agents32
Time on Market72
Avg. Sale Price$225,000


Active Agents938
Time on Market79
Avg. Sale Price$250,000

Boulder City

Active Agents574
Time on Market71
Avg. Sale Price$308,900


Active Agents118
Time on Market65
Avg. Sale Price$250,000


Active Agents756
Time on Market73
Avg. Sale Price$267,500


Active Agents283
Time on Market80
Avg. Sale Price$253,900


Active Agents257
Time on Market64
Avg. Sale Price$362,000


Active Agents1,957
Time on Market65
Avg. Sale Price$344,900

Carson City

Active Agents932
Time on Market65
Avg. Sale Price$332,000


Active Agents565
Time on Market67
Avg. Sale Price$317,500


Active Agents208
Time on Market69
Avg. Sale Price$437,000

Check out some of our other resources for Nevada homeowners

When's the best time to sell my home?
Use housing market data in your city to learn the best and worst months to sell your home.
HomeLight Simple Sale
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Find out what your home is worth
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Advice from America’s Top Agents
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Simple real estate calculators
Use our free calculators to help you make informed financial decisions when buying or selling a home.

Top Real Estate Agents in Nevada

"We were out-of-town sellers, and I didn't have a plan of action to find a trustworthy Realtor to sell our Las Vegas home. I found HomeLight and it was easy to use. I appreciate their service!"

Amy S.

HomeLight Client

"The services that HomeLight provided were just what I was looking for. It is a little nerve wracking doing things from far away but it worked out. "

Lonnie H.

HomeLight Client

"My HomeLight experience could not have been better. It cut down the time to find the perfect Realtor. I was very pleased with the results and I look forward to using Homelight when I am ready to buy."

Karen R.

HomeLight Client